King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Appearances Can Be Square

Appearances can be square, be straight or be square was the old cleche for right moral behaviour, living a right and just life for God and not a self exploitive life of everyone else. Bring back the good old days I think, not this modern world of watered down laws and an anything goes perspective on the easy way to do everything and get what you can for your self. The 1950's annd 60's were a different world and it was not until we got to the pop culture of the 70's and 80's till everything started to collapse. The 90's were your start to have everything for yourself ideas and now in the 2000's and 2010's we have a world of chaos and a free for all that is just wasted life going down the drain.

Bring back the hymn books in church, the power point projecters seem to want to fail us anyway, with choruses that defete the purpose of worshiping God. Bands that play too loud to hear yourself think and the grand old organs being wasted away in some hidden corner. I am not even going to go into the pub bands where you simply can't even hear yourself think. They are just right offs far down the forbidden track of neverland. We have to have a culture that works, that preserves the civil rights and ethical behaviour of a moralistic lifestyle. Appearances can be square allright bit think of the possible alternatives, they are not going in circles, they are heading off the planet, not to other planets but to the graveyard.

Leave that all behind and remember the good old days when all things were bright and beautiful, when there was peace on earth and corruption was only a dirty word. Where heaven and paradise meet, in a world of beauty and in a creation that lasts eternally. There was the garden of Eden where Adam and Eve were in paradise with heaven. What happened? sin entered the world and the fall of mankind commenced.

Now in a state of illrepair and a need of restoration to bring things back into a relationship with God again to live in glorious holy relatiobnship with God and be a people of pure hearts and minds, not created devils of greed and corruption. The Devil will have His divisive reign if we let Him, don't through effort after foolishness, turn and look to God, He will lead you in the right direction and give you guidence to get back on your feet and head in the way to live with Him in glory and paradise. I mean really, why go to hell when you can go to heaven, the question is simple and sweet and too often the ways of this world lead us astray and up the garden path to destruction. Be square all right, wear a suit and tie and go to church instead of a T-Shirt and jeans, I can asure you. The beach has its place but not in the place of God's church.