King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

The Beauty Within

The beauty within is a more intrinsically different beauty than the outside appearance. The arth and everything in it is a beautiful place, it is only spoilt because we humans are greedy, self indulgent and have high demand expectations on other people to enable things to go to our own advantage. The natural beauty of this planet is rather different to the blood and guts of people who always splurge and indulge. We have a natural beauty of body organs within us that work aaand we drink ourself into stupidity and smoke cigarettes till we have cancer, and end up with cerosis of the liver and kidney failure from alcoholic poisoning. All the good that God created is ruined and only worth throwing down the drain.

Thanks be to a loving God who sent His son to save us from all that wrong doing if we will only turn from our overindulgent lifelstyles and follow Him. He died for you, you know, that you might share in the everlasting life of salvation and eternity. He came to save the poor, not to help the rich get richer, remember that incase you had forgotton. The natural creation of this world is still evolving and we as people have to be responsible and help protect and preserve our native rights of a pristine wilderness and tropical rainforest, these are the beauties within, not the concrete jungles of our modern world. Sure we need a place to live, but not at the expense of pulling up all the sacred sights of our ancestors who laid the earths foundations and gave us what we have today. Our world is full of natural wonders and beauties, consider the coral reefs and all the tropical and colourful fish that they support.

This is the beauty that we need to focus on, not the world of politics and corruption that lead us all into immorral lifestyles and greediness. One person only needs so much to stay alive and live on this planet, we have to be modest in our thoughts of grandeur for self indulgences and confine oursleves to a limited amount of personel luxuries for each individual person. We as a people can be led away easily into thinking that we can have it all. It is not the case as greed and corruption is always short lived in the real scheme of things towards other people around them. Look at the beauty around you differently, be loving, kind, generous, peaceful, heavenly, happy, good and all these things will put you right with God, through Jesus teachings of what it means to follow Him.

Put old ways behind you and take up your cross and follow Him, you will be so glad you did and you will experience the beauty of creation on the inside instead of an outward appearance. Next time you want a drink of alcohol, try clean, clear water instead, it helps the way for you to think perfectly you know, not to kill off all those brain cells that you need to live with alcohol.