King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

I Use To Know Where

I use to know where but now I am not sure anymore. It is a good question, that when we get use to something and our position changes or things move, we have a different set of circumstances to deal with, sometimes a different place to live and possibly a new whole and complete ball game to deal with when family arrives, someone dies or we just move on in life to a different social circle and status positon. I use to know where god was in my life and my position in the kingdom of God when I was younger and as I moved through my learning stages of exploring the world and I learnt all right, but al the wrong ways from the right ways that I use to know before and then I had to relearn all the right ways again. It is still an ongoing and learning curve where the position changes only when you aquire something that you want or when you are lead astray again even a bit to a more negative position in life or you take a backward step through some mistake you have made and end up on the recovery trail once again.

Like all the things you learn at school, geography and places, famous people and history, scientific equations and formulas, the road to recovery is ten times harder than the road to destruction. What you knew before is always worth more than what you learn by spending on things that waste time and resources. They say the wrong road is the one that leads to hell and it is wide and the narrow road, the right road leads to life and few will find it. We have to be careful with our choices, make wise decisions and stick to the proven principles that work. Changing things for a different meaning or making it easier by taking short cuts are all on the wrong road to hell. If there is a right road, then we must take it and not allow negative thinking people rule and dominate our lives. Positive minded people have the best at heart for everyone, not just the get everything you can by any means, treading on whoever gets in the way in the process and at the end of the day they are not happy with their selfish gain and their conceited and proud nature makes them miserable. They just want more all the time at the expense of others. Good hearted people, show kindness and compassion, offer mercy and grace, love at all times unconditionally and work towards a better life for others than themselves. The greed of money is the greatest negative and the love of God is the greatest positive.

Choose health over wealth, enjoy life and happiness with the poor rather than selfish gain with the rich, the alternative to living a better life is always better towards heaven, than too many things that you don't know what to do with them all. Being rich in the kingdom and worth something in God's eyes, rather than your own or somebody elses is the better way and choice. I use to know where I was going, are you still saying that now? Are you still saying, I am not sure anymore? These are indeed the key questions for this world. Do we really know where we are going and have been? Only God has the answer to where you are in life now, Choose God and let him fill you with all the good things that you need rather than all the bad things that you want for yourself. Walk the road and life of faith, love God and hope for eternity, you can't go wrong with God you know, God knows where you have been when you forget your way, turn and follow Him, you will be so glad that you did and learn to follow the road, that you know where you are going. Taking chances all the time can get you into strife.