King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

It Changes Places

Things sometimes turn up whenever they please, a stray dog, a bird on the veranda, a cat that comes over the fence. People come and go as they please, residents changes houses and living quarters for different reasons. Neighbours come and go as if you don't really know where from or where to. Just like the tide or the earths position to the sun turning night into day and day back into night, there are set times for everything and so to as the shadows of life move and change, our set of living conditions can rearrange themself just in the process and cource of the day or week. Change is something that we have to adapt to all the time. If I could change places with you it would never be right or true, because we look at things in a different perspective through our learning conditions and natural examples of experience and and given situations of the path we have trod.

My set of footsteps are always diferent to yours, we take different routes and roads on different days and we buy different things for lunch at diffferent occasions and times. If I could find someione that was heading in the same direction as me all the time, we could walk the road together and it would be less lonely and more assuring, but often as the case if this is hard to do or find. We all want to go our own ways and unless two can agree on the same thing, then it is a very lost and misled way that we take indeed all the time. God offers us a way that He has walked before us and the road to life, which He offers is never lonely, sometimes finding it is hard and that is why we need Jesus who has given us an example to follow. Do you know what it is that changes? It is our postion in life right at the moment and that is through God's eyes only, it changes all right and we have to make those choices and decsions ourselves, but if we choose to follow God, He helps us make those choices in the right direction and not in a hell bent path and cource of destruction.

Fix your eyes upon Him, don't stray to the right or to the left, keep focused and remain God honouring. There is a set cource for you to take, there is a perfect plan and a right way to live, one that will prosper you and not destroy you. Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace. That is the kind of change that you need and that is the place where you should be. The place where you are at in life changes all the time, but it should be in God's eyes and not yours.